Backstage Makeup Professionals

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Hello Backstage Girl! We’ve all heard of the saying, “Your vibe attracts your tribe,” but the reality is the relationship works both ways. Your tribe affects your vibe. Hopefully you are one of the lucky ones who’s surrounded by super supportive friends and family members who cheer you on and whom you can always call on when you’re going through the changes and challenges of life.

The more supported we feel by our closest friends and family, the more manageable those challenging times of stress, anxiety and sadness can be. It’s about quality over quantity, and cultivating meaningful relationships where you feel understood, accepted and feeling free to be vulnerable is essential.

Here are 5 ways to help you attract the right kind of people and find your tribe: 

1. Quality over quantity: A social circle can look different to everyone and it all comes down to quality over quantity. Having three very special friends can be just as impactful as having a large group of forty!

2. Embrace changing dynamics: As we get older, our values and interests change and so too will our social circle. Choosing to spend time with people becomes dependent on a lot of different factors that we never considered in other stages of our lives.

3. Get clear on your core values:For a friendship to work we need to be sure that our core values align and that a connection goes beyond the once-simplistic friendship criteria. You don’t need to have exactly the same interests, but what’s at the core does matter.

4. Vulnerability is key: If you want to form meaningful connections, it’s important you open yourself up and allow yourself to be vulnerable. People want to see the real you. When you show them your authentic self and allow them to see you in your highs and lows, it not only gives them permission to be themselves around you, but it also gives them an opportunity to rise up and offer their support!

5. Focus on the good: Direct your attention and energy towards the relationships where you feel appreciated. Which coffee catch ups do you regularly leave feeling drained and which ones invigorate you? Allow yourself to gravitate towards the people who make you feel good and add value to your life. This also sends a message into the atmosphere that you know your worth and you are making a conscious decision to invite more positive relationships into your life.

 What’s important is that we are conscious of the people we invite into our lives and make sure that it’s a reciprocal relationship where we both care for and support each other. When you get clear on the kind of relationships you are deserving of, you begin to attract the right kind of people into your life.

with much Love and beauty,
