Backstage Makeup Professionals

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Microblading in Dallas

Microblading in Dallas is a cosmetic technique that uses a needle to inject pigment into your client’s skin. This results in giving your client well-defined, natural-looking brows.

In this blog, we will learn about:

  • What is microblading

  • How long does it last

  • How is it done


What is Microblading?

There's a strong chance you've heard of microblading if you have sparse brows, uneven arches, or no brow hairs at all.

Microblading is a cosmetic tattooing process that fills in thin brow regions to give them a fuller appearance.

The procedure is very exact owing to the instrument, which resembles a pen but has a slanted blade with 10-12 little needles at the end - needles that do not enter the skin but gently scrape the surface, similar to a paper cut.

The needle creates delicate, realistic, and natural hair strokes by implanting featherweight strokes with a medical grade pigment on the most superficial layer of the skin.

Microblading is the most popular technique for creating fluffy, natural-looking, and long-lasting brows. However, the length of time depends on how you care for them after the ink session.

 How Long Does Microblading Last?

Microblading may last between 18 and 24 months.

When the pigment from the procedure starts to fade visibly, you'll need to return to your Artist for a touch-up application. In general, it has to be touched up twice a year.

Touch-ups for microblading are comparable to root touch-ups for your hair. You may just have the color filled in if your current microblading pigment begins to fade.


If you wait longer than your Artist suggests, you may have to redo the whole microblading treatment on both of your brows. This is far more time-consuming and costly than a touch-up application.

How Is Microblading Done?

Here are the steps on how microblading is done:

  1. Preparation

  2. Measurement of the brows

  3. Numbing of the area

  4. Picking the right pigment

  5. Applying the pigment using the blade



Here are some of the things you need to prepare prior to the day of procedure:

  • Avoid coffee and alcohol

  • Avoid tinting your brows

  • No tanning or sunbathing for three days before the consultation.

  • No waxing or plucking of the brows within two days before the procedure.

  • For at least 2 to 3 weeks before the procedure, no chemical peels or other severe face treatments should be done.

  • Before the process, wash and style your hair since the brows must not come into touch with water for at least 7 days.

  • Stop using fish oil and other natural blood thinners, such as vitamin E, at least one week before the surgery.

  • Stopping vitamin A (Retinol) and Botox treatments at least one month in advance.

  • Avoid using aspirin or ibuprofen to relieve discomfort (as these types of medications are blood thinners).

  • Working out prior to the day of appointment.


Measurement of the Brows

The next step is to use measurement tools to ensure that your brows are evenly spaced.

In this process, it’s important to have proper communication to agree with what look you want to achieve.


Numbing of the Area

Before beginning the treatment, the Artist will apply a topical numbing cream to the brow region, which will assist lessen pain throughout the microblading. This is usually applied with a sterile Q-tip.

Picking the Right Pigment

Before we begin drawing hair strokes, we must choose the appropriate pigment depending on the client's skin type (whether they have oily or dry skin) and the natural color of their existing natural hair, in order to prevent undesirable color alteration in the healed outcome.

Applying the Pigment using a Blade


We begin by drawing hair strokes with a blade with a little pigment on the tip of the blade from the beginning to the end of the brow, replicating natural hair stroke growth.

Your  brows will be pretty red after the layers are completed. After a few hours, the redness will fade. Your client’s brows will also be around 70% darker directly after treatment compared to when they are healed.


Finishing by antibiotic application

Complete aftercare instructions will be supplied, as well as an aftercare antibiotic cream or oil. Remember that the skin is exposed, like a wound, and you must prevent infection.

Is Microblading Worth It?

The quick answer is that eyebrow microblading is certainly worth it. There's no way to go wrong with having your brows microbladed, especially with the amount of ability and expertise our Artist has.

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