Skull Candy Glam Look

Día de Muertos celebrations are part of the most important and popular festivities in Mexico and adopted all over the world thanks to globalization. Day of the Dead is celebrated in conjunction with Halloween in the States.

Backstage Makeup Professionals partnered with Dallas based makeup company Reina Rebelde to create their Day of the Dead digital and printed campaign. We are so honored to be part of a makeup company targeted to Latinas with a rapid market growth.

Backstage Team wanted to create a Catrina makeup but glam using all Reina Rebelde´s products. As artist we wanted to keep the traditions, but with the glam makeup style we are known for. We wanted to create a makeup that matches our aesthetic and looked professional.

Our goal was to communicate to Reina Rebelde´s following that you can achieve the Catrina look easily by using their products.

Backstage´s photographer wanted to capture the mood for Dia de los Muertos, dark, somber, but highlighting the makeup too.

catrina glam

We had so much fun creating both looks at our North Dallas location. Let us know in the comments which one is your fave: the red or the diamonds.

Follow @reinarebelde to see the images we created on their feed and website.


Day of the dead makeup glam